Sunday, February 28, 2010

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Health and Fitness: Acne Articles from Feed My Inbox

3 Things You Must Not Do When You Have Pimples
March 1, 2010 at 8:14 AM

Lets face it, we all hate pimples. Since Acne is a human skin disease and we are all human beings, we have to face the reality. Unfortunately, there are no quick fix cure for this disease. However, the following suggestions can start the process of healing your acne pimples and improve your skin.

1. Do Not Itch, pinch or pop the pimple

You push bacteria into the skin if you itch, pinch or pop your zits. You make your skin vulnerable to more pimples. This will also make your skin redder. If it gets uncomfortably itchy use a cold pack and hold on top of the affected area.

2. Avoid wearing cosmetics

Cosmetics and make-up can clog pores and intensify the acne outbreak. If you do use concealer products to make your acne outbreak less noticeable, make sure you clean them off before going to bed. Also, apply your acne fighting medication before going to bed.

3. Reduce intake of refined sugar

Refined sugar is believed to ! be one of the major contributing factors of how severe a case of acne will become. How much acne and how big they are depends on sugar intake. Eat less refined sugars and substitute artificial sweeteners or natural sweeteners like honey, in your diet to reduce the severity of acne outbreak.

By following the suggestions above, you will be on your way to heal your acne prone skin. As you start to have clear complexion, your confidence and self esteem will also improve.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars
March 1, 2010 at 6:43 AM

It seems that acne scars can be more problematic than acne itself because it take a very long time for the scars to disappear.  In fact, many scars remain forever on the surface of your skin.  But, if the scars are not big or deep, you might want to consider treating the scars at home with natural treatments.

Here's some home remedies for acne blemish removal that can bring the glow back to your skin:

Drink lots of water.  Water has amazing cleansing and rejuvenating properties for the human body.  Water can help to shed off dead skin cells by hydration.  New skin develops quicker and more smoothly when the body is properly hydrated.

Eating fruits and vegetables provides an abundance of vitamins and minerals to help rejuvenate the skin.  The juices from fruits and vegetables also make healthy skin to heal acne scars.

Healing and erasing blemishes takes more than just applying creams or oils to the skin.  The body needs healthy foods and es! sential nutrients to fight against infections that can complicate acne scarring.  Be sure to include tofu, chicken, soy and fish in your diet to provide your body the proteins it needs to heal your skin.

Drinking several glasses of lemon juice everyday will help your body to shed the dead skin cells at a faster pace.  Healthier skin cells with elasticity will replace the dead cells.

Rose Hip Oil is another great home remedy to fight acne scars.  The oil has anti-aging properties that reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin surface and return it to its natural color.

Aloe Vera Gel also helps get rid of acne scars and makes the skin healthier. 

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, and is effective to stop overproduction of sebum that causes acne and acne scars.  Tomatoes also have antioxidant properties to heal damaged skin and acne blemishes.  Placing a slice of tomato on your face can quickly reduce acne scars.

Olive oil is another wonderful anti! dote to improve skin condition and reduce acne scars.  Massag! e the oi l on the affected parts of your skin every day to soften the skin texture and reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Honey can also be applied on affected parts of your skin to reduce acne scars and give the skin a youthful appearance.  You can massage honey onto the skin or  consume it in pill form. 

Lavender oil is another natural substance that is widely used in commercial cosmetics.  Lavender has regenerative properties that will make your skin look fresh and younger.

Rosewater and Sandalwood can be combined to make a paste to lather on acne scars.  Leave the paste on the skin overnight and wash the skin with cold water in the morning.  Applying this paste regularly can help to get rid of acne scars quickly.

The best way to avoid acne scarring from occurring is to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.  Exercising reduces stress and gets rid of harmful toxins in the body.  Don't expect home acne remedies to produce miraculous results ove! rnight; it's not going to happen!  Natural remedies can improve the skin, but it will take time and persistence. The other situation that is often unavoidable is genetic inclination toward acne. Teens generally are susceptible to acne, some worse than others, some not at all.

Count your blessings if you don't have acne problems, or only to a very minor extent. The good news is, if you have it, try the above remedies, avoid squeezing the pimples (this creates scars), and tough it out. It usually goes away as you grow into your twenties.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


The Best Natural Approach to Curing and Preventing Acne, Once and For All
March 1, 2010 at 6:39 AM

Of the many skin health problems people have, acne is very common and can be very complicated if the right approach to treatment is not followed. If the right steps are followed, there will hardly be anyone, even in severe cases, that will not recover from acne as long as the proper change in diet and lifestyle is adhered to. Once a person identifies and addresses the root causes of acne, it eventually becomes a thing of the past.

It's really amazing seeing people who were once acne sufferers have their lives back. The relief and happiness they experience is unfathomable as some have suffered it for several years without a remedy. This reminds me of a male friend in University that had chronic acne and I gave him some very simple home remedy, to his surprise, after two weeks he returned with a very clear face. I cannot describe the joy he expressed while recounting his ordeal with various acne treatment.

Have you bothered to ask yourself what the root cause ! of this acne is? The mistake most acne victims make is that the leave the real issue and turn to creams, cleansers, and sometimes drugs to relieve their symptoms. While these methods may produce short-term results for some, to others, they seldom lead to permanent solution because they do not factor in dietary and lifestyle which is very pivotal to acne treatment.

Every time I see people buy and use over-the-counter products like creams, cleansers, and drugs to treat acne, I sympathize with them because I understand that while they are making efforts to solve their problem, they are also ignorant of the permanent solution to their problem. When you use creams and other acne products you can only be sure of a temporal solution which may erupt into an adverse skin problem in a long use. I'm pretty sure that as soon as you point out and tackle the root causes of acne, you will feel just as relieved and happy as you should.

Here are the guiding principles to solving! acne naturally:

1. Stay away from the worst causes of a! cne; the y are fried foods, pasteurized dairy products, hydrogenated oils, salty snacks, preservatives like sulphates, sugar and processed foods that contain gluten.
2. Don't be tempted to rub your acne with coarse towels. This may cause redness and irritation and may spread the acne. Instead, get used to air drying your face.
3. Let your meal be primarily whole, unprocessed foods, with much vegetable.
4. Lessen the use of soaps and make-up on your face. If you don't wear make-up, washing with tepid water is enough to have clean and healthy face. In fact, washing with water is the best natural therapy in history.
5. Avoid stressing up yourself. Sleep well and refresh your body. When you have sufficient sleep, then your body can efficiently repair damaged skin.
6. Vitamin E from natural sunlight is good if your weather allows. Try and expose yourself to sunshine daily, even if it's for a few minutes. Natural sunlight has an amazing healing ! and convalescent effect for your skin.
For a complete guide to natural acne treatment, it is highly recommended you follow the link below for more information.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Finding the Best Acne-Free Remedy
March 1, 2010 at 1:39 AM

For acne-prone people, it is difficult to find the best acne-free home remedy. A home remedy is usually the last thing they avail of and instead, they go to dermatologists who prescribe chemical-based medication. Contrary to what most people know, chemical-based or synthetic medication may do more harm than good to the skin.

Acne is the most common skin condition that affects most, if not all people. It occurs as lesions in the skin that contain pus. It is an inflammation of the sebaceous gland when dirt gets trapped in the pores of the skin, thereby trapping oil inside the skin. The result is a bubble-like bump on the surface of the skin. There are a lot of things that cause the outbreak of acne. Some of these causes are excessive caffeine, which can be taken from cola, coffee, some chocolate products, sugary and fatty foods, and oils. Hormonal imbalance is also one of the main causes of acne that breaks out during the teenage years.

An acne-free home remed! y may be the best option to start with. The first thing to do to avoid or to get rid of acne is to minimize consumption of acne-causing foods. There is really nothing that can be done against hormonal changes but to help the skin cope with these changes. Washing the face with mild cleansers may help minimize the occurrence of acne. Also, drinking a lot of water will enable the body dispose of more toxins that may worsen hormone imbalance.

If you have to take medication, however, you can find simple medicines right at home. Benzoyl peroxide is known as the main anti-acne medication. Antibiotic creams and topical ointments may also do the trick in removing bacteria in acne lesions. Of course, these may cost more. If you want to save money, then finding an acne-free home remedy is still the best avenue.

The only thing that everyone must remember is that the skin is not an invulnerable part of the body. It also needs to be taken care of so that it does not undergo b! ad conditions that can cause more injury. Also, the condition ! of the s kin reflects the overall health of a person. If the skin appears healthy, the person can also be expected to be healthy. Otherwise, if the skin looks dull and full of lesions, there must be something wrong going on in the body. So, in order to get rid of this problem permanently, go with the best acne-free home remedy that you and your dermatologist can find.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


The 2 Best Acne Scar Removal Techniques
March 1, 2010 at 1:33 AM

Dealing with acne can be very unpleasant. For teenagers especially, acne can cause a lot of emotional and mental distress as their peers place a lot of importance on physical appearance. Fortunately, acne will cease to be a problem for most teenagers as they get into their early 20's. The acne will begin to fade away as will the taunting and the teasing that come with it. Unfortunately, the physical scars left behind by acne don't always fade away. Sometimes acne scars need to be treated before they too can fade away like our memories of the past.

There is help available for those who suffer from persistent and stubborn acne scars. It is possible to remove these acne scars and there are two main options available to do it. Both of these options involve removing the top layer of the skin.


The first option is dermabrasion. This is the process of removing the top layer of skin through the use of a rotating wire brush. The pur! pose of removing this top layer of skin is to allow the body to produce a new top layer of skin that will be smoother than the layer that was removed. It will usually take the skin somewhere between 10 days and three weeks to heal from this process. Depending on the severity of the acne scars, it may take multiple treatments to get to the desired results.

Laser Resurfacing

Much like dermabrasion, laser resurfacing removes the top layer of scarred skin but this is accomplished through the use of a laser instead of a scraping process. This procedure can be done in a dermatologist's office and does not require any hospitalization. Laser Resurfacing will, however, require a local anesthetic to reduce the pain of the procedure. Like dermabrasion, the severity of the acne scars will determine the number of treatments that will be needed and it will take several days for the skin to heal after each treatment.

Like all things, there are pros and c! ons to both procedures. The best thing you can do is to resear! ch both of them and determine which, if any, of them is right for you.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Best Home Remedies For Acne Treatment - A Sure and Proven Approach
March 1, 2010 at 12:41 AM

Acne is a perennial problem that has persistently strike people of all race, language, religion, age and social status. It doesn't respect face or culture, it deals its hard blow on any skin it chooses to. In order to have a better grasp on treating acne, one must first understand what causes it.

Causes of Acne Include but not limited to the following:

  • Poor Diet
  • Genetics
  • Stress
  • Hormones
  • Clogged pores due to oil skin
  • Certain Medication
Few people really understand that they have things around them - in the kitchen, garden and grocery stores to fight acne. There are lots of economical home remedies out there to help treat acne. Some of them include:

  • A paste of nutmeg and milk
  • Honey mixed with cinnamon
  • Witch Hazel
  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Diluted lemon rubbed on the face
  • Grated Potato
  • Mild Toothpaste applied on pimples
  • Baking Soda Paste
Make it a routine to wash your face twice daily with very mild soap or cleanser. Also eat plenty of fruit and vegetables daily, and drink lots of water - very important. Sleep well and avoid stress. Desist from picking your face habitually. If you are taking any medications that you think may contribute to your acne, be sure to speak to your doctor.

Having highlighted all these, It's a fact that curing acne can not be reached by tackling one of the many factors responsible for acne. If you've ever tried to cure your acne using a one-way cure like antibiotics or even detox diets and failed it's most likely that you dealt with only one part of the infection. Check out our blog below and find information that will teach you the only way to prevent your acne from being formed and also learn the only way to really cure acne for good - the holistic way.

Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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